Deleted Scenes – Soul Discovery, Soul Seer Chronicles

Everyone loves a nugget of what could have been, so I’m sharing a few small and unedited nugs from Soul Discovery. Made more difficult by the fact it’s a new release and I risk revealing too much. #1. Unfortunately the scene didn’t pertain to the forward motion of the story, so it was cut. I still envision the old man down in the park when I get to this part of the story. Laundry tumbling, I lacked direction again. 5:30am was an okay good time to walk Bosco before he peed on the couch he was sniffing at and all

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Release of Soul Discovery Tomorrow. Almost There!

Anyone who knows/follows me on social media is probably sick of hearing about my writing a book, especially when it’s taking a millennia to be real. Once I signed with Booktrope Publishing my hobby became a second job and “advertising” my progression through the trenches came with hesitance and excitement, so hopefully only a few have added me to their hit lists. A year after signing with  BT (maybe more than a year…definitely more…Gah!) it has taken me to get my first book SOUL DISCOVERY, SOUL SEER CHRONICLES ready. Which sounds like it was a POS to begin with, maybe

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