The Terror of the Retreat Intro

Back in the summer, I travelled with a fellow author to Arkansas for the third annual writer’s retreat with our publisher Oghma Creative Media, the first for both of us. While I was thankful not to be travelling alone, my brain was on overdrive about “homework” given to all the writers a couple of days before the retreat. Cue my groaning. LOUD groaning. Groaning turned into epic overthinking freak-out status as I couldn’t wrap my head around the assignment itself AND why we needed to do it at all. Knowing myself as I do, I knew this was because I

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Journalling – A Look Back

Do you journal? WAIT?! Don’t leave yet. I know, I know. People blather on about journalling and why you should do it. I’ve even done it in an old blog from almost 4 years ago. And I stand by it. HOWEVER… Bad me. I’ve been a shitty journaller and there’s been huge swaths of time between my entries. I took a look this morning and realized I hadn’t journalled since February 3, 2018. Soooo much has happened in my life since February, good and bad. From negatives such as the death of my beloved pug and snuggle partner, Bosco, and

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Superstitions – No One Is Safe

“Wow. It’s quiet today,” someone says at work. “Noooo! Don’t say that!” *I feverishly look for REAL wood, not that pressed wood crap, to knock on* When you work in a shelter, you never, ever, comment on a quiet shift or you risk immediate karmic backlash. No. Instead, you ignore the quiet and when someone mentions it, you knock wood, flex, and stare the bad luck down like an alpha wolf about to go rabid if it dares to mess with you. Then, twenty minutes pass and it gets busy anyway because that’s the nature of social work. Hrumph. Superstitions

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Writing Communities are All About the “V” Word

(My original post was on The Fabulous Fictionistas website.) Which “V” word? You ask. Vampires? No, but you may stumble over a few in the dark on the way to kitchen for more snacks. Vagina? Pfft. Even if we Fictionistas are taking one each on our writing journey and at times listening to it’s gut feeling instead of our tummies. Victims? Sort of. Maybe. You’ll find many and we writers love to rack up the kill quotient and decimate the hearts of our readers for our own sick pleasure. The “V” word I’m getting to is “VALIDATION”. Boring after realizing

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Deleted Scenes – Soul Discovery, Soul Seer Chronicles

Everyone loves a nugget of what could have been, so I’m sharing a few small and unedited nugs from Soul Discovery. Made more difficult by the fact it’s a new release and I risk revealing too much. #1. Unfortunately the scene didn’t pertain to the forward motion of the story, so it was cut. I still envision the old man down in the park when I get to this part of the story. Laundry tumbling, I lacked direction again. 5:30am was an okay good time to walk Bosco before he peed on the couch he was sniffing at and all

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Creative Spaces – Office Makeover

Heya creative people, Sometimes inspiration hits at the craziest places, like the shower with no options to write things down. Ideally, your muse slides up to your shoulder and whispers sweet plot lines while you’re in front of the computer with swift fingers. (err…maybe not put quite like that). You know what I mean. A creative space is important and can welcome you into the proper head space to build captivating characters and worlds to better illustrate the story rolling around in your noggin. I’ve been in my new home since December and this weekend I FINALLY got my office

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20 Facts about Author S.J. Cairns

I was tagged by @SpartaGus to reveal 20 facts about myself. You can find his here. When I was 13 I wanted to be an actress/model/singer, because you can’t choose just one. Duh! I hate hashbrowns. Potatoes in any other form is acceptable. Hashbrowns? May as well be cigarette ash. It’s possible I have an unhealthy obsession with journals.   4. My first kiss was at 15 on a high school production balcony, Spiderman style, while I was unknowingly high on shrooms (Friend of a friend dosed our pizza). Pretty sure the guy doesn’t even know. 5. In college I

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BEA16 – Book Expo of America for Introverts

Hey guys! Huh? Well, that was easy. Arm in arm with the anonymity of a keyboard and editing options, saying hello to a bunch of strangers is simpler than blinking. Walking through the doors of McCormick Place in Chicago and seeing the thousands of people milling around ranging from readers, bloggers, authors, librarians, advertisers, publishers, and anything else you could possibly think of that’s related to the publishing world, PLUS the expectation to talk to them and make future contacts? Cha’right bud. Simple eye contact was a no-go. It granted permission for people to talk to you, to ask questions,

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