Creative Spaces – Office Makeover

Heya creative people,

Sometimes inspiration hits at the craziest places, like the shower with no options to write things down. Ideally, your muse slides up to your shoulder and whispers sweet plot lines while you’re in front of the computer with swift fingers. (err…maybe not put quite like that). You know what I mean. A creative space is important and can welcome you into the proper head space to build captivating characters and worlds to better illustrate the story rolling around in your noggin.

I’ve been in my new home since December and this weekend I FINALLY got my office together. The basic elements were in place, but a constant mess with bare walls.

BEFORE - like I said...a mess.
BEFORE – like I said…a mess.


A few hours later, some art on the walls, and DVD rack turned book case, and a healthy dose of dusting and I’m left with:

AFTER! So much better.
AFTER! So much better.


It’s not a creative space without the creative works of Angelina Wrona and Sara Deck on my walls:

My computer was coming on to me.










And a gratuitous shelfie:




Bosco approved:



Do you have a space devoted to creativity? Let me see 🙂

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